Material blessings fade and deteriorate, but your riches in Christ are everlasting.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
Nothing else in this world can renew our minds like the Bible.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
Only one life, it will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
God's ways and His will come in His own perfect time.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
Every act and choice you make is creating the real you and shaping your real life.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
Obedience is the key ingredient in living out God's plan for you.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
I want God to be first in my life, so I'm putting Him first in my life today.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
With God's help, your trial today is leading to your wholeness tomorrow.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
It's never too early to begin pointing your little ones' souls heavenward.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
Our actions, habits, character, and future are most definitely affected by our thoughts.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
The goodness you receive from God is a treasure for you to share with others.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
If you want a good friend, you need to be a good friend!
Quoted by Elizabeth George
God's Word is written for you and to you, but it won't help unless you read it.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
No matter what you do each day…or in life…doing things God's way is a matter of the heart.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
God's Word transforms you into someone who reflects His glory.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
Your trials and difficulties are a golden opportunity to illustrate your faith in God.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
Harmony is produced in ministry when everyone seeks to be a servant.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
Pray for God's grace to nurture on the inside what He calls us to live out on the outside.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
A marriage filled with unconditional love experiences the depth of grace and mercy.
Quoted by Elizabeth George
Time is redeemed when you make the most of your life by fulfilling God's purposes.
Quoted by Elizabeth George