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Disease Quotes

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The new disease of our age is being OK doing everything at exactly the same time.

Quoted by Nigel Cumberland

Loneliness is the endless disease that eats at our soul.

Quoted by Jacob Baylis

Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is one hundred percent.

Quoted by R.D. Laing

One begins to be free of the disease (of the sex), from the moment he or she opposes sex.

Quoted by Dada Bhagwan

Melancholia is the disease of the middle-class. The Workers don't know what it means.

Quoted by Chloe Thurlow

There is no God for sure, else how could one justify terminal diseases in small kids?

Quoted by Pawan Mishra

Writing is a disease of the mind, which is expressed through a pen.

Quoted by Debasish Mridha

Fear is a disease of mind we inherit from society.

Quoted by Debasish Mridha

To talk of diseases is a sort of Arabian Nights entertainment.

Quoted by William Osler

I know no such disease of the soul, but ignorance.

Quoted by Ben Johnson

To set up what you like against what you dislike, this is the disease of the mind.

Quoted by Sengt'san

Alaska was the cure to the disease of my despair.

Quoted by Summer Lane

I, the infirm, find myself caring for the sorrows and fears of the well.

Quoted by Russ Ramsey

Being fit is painful and on-going process but it is still a lot better than diseases.

Quoted by Atlas Gondal

Accepting a disease label means shutting off from your potential

Quoted by Jacqueline Escolme

Our country has an incurable disease called hate.

Quoted by Lorin MorganRichards

Indifferentism is the worst kind of disease that can affect people.

Quoted by Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

1 in 5 people have dandruff. 1 in 4 people have mental health problems. I've had both.

Quoted by Ruby Wax

We do not have a paradise on earth; it is riddled with so much sin and disease.

Quoted by Billy Graham

Politicians are the sole cause of our incurable social eczema

Quoted by Munia Khan