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Fly Quotes

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Kites fly highest into the wind. Keep going regardless of the seeming resistance.

Quoted by Carol 'CC' Miller

There are 200,000 species of fly alone. So the void, the emptiness, must be in you.

Quoted by Marty Rubin

Drive nature out of the door and it will fly in at the window

Quoted by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Don't shout the dreams out.. let it be done by your deeds; stay calm and fly high.

Quoted by Vikrmn

You are not alone...please know that hope can fly in on the most unexpected of wings.

Quoted by Tracy Shawn

Hold on to your heart and life will give you wings.

Quoted by A.D. Posey

The best writing speaks when the heart whispers.

Quoted by A.D. Posey

With that, I took a deep breath and leapt; spreading my arms, pretending I could fly . . .

Quoted by Chelsie Shakespeare

Wake up and dare to try... Time doesn't care to fly!

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

You must intercept the passing time well, hence it will fly away into vanity.

Quoted by Sunday Adelaja

It's when we realize that each of us can fly that we become angels.

Quoted by Anthony T.Hincks

She fulfills every purpose while touching the sky. Can anything ever stop her fly?

Quoted by Patricia Dsouza

Dragons love to fly at the expanding edge of your world.

Quoted by Talismanist Giebra

Trust the magic of new beginnings. They fly on the high spirits of faith and hope.

Quoted by Spirited Blogger

If your thoughts are as tall as the height of your ceiling, you can't fly above your room.

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

There's only one job in this world that gives you an office in the sky; and that is pilot.

Quoted by Mohith Agadi

A great poet gives words wings to fly in the reader's perceptual sky.

Quoted by Debasish Mridha

Under a cherry tree, all burdens of life fly away!

Quoted by Mehmet Murat ildan

Everybody has to Die. Then, why Cry? Why not open your Wings and Fly in the Sky?

Quoted by RVM

I want to do something very important. Like fly into the past and make it come out right.

Quoted by Marge Piercy