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Israelmore Ayivor Quotes

  • 121 Posts

Stay at peace with everyone you meet and hold no grudge with anyone for any reason.

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

You are a change maker and nothing should clean this notice off the boards of your heart!

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

Don't comply with what everyone says; judge out issues before you deal with them!

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

Love is everything we can have because God is everything we have. God is love.

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

Wake up and dare to try... Time doesn't care to fly!

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

Never let disappointments cripple you down. Be success-conscious.

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

Never be disobedient; take a coach, take a mentor and be instructed!

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

Success is no magic; grab a handful of hope and never let it go till you get there!

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

Never entertain anger. Great people do not become angry over unnecessary issues.

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

Live every single day doing something relevant; single days sum up to make great ages!

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

You carry greatness disguised in tiny potentials.

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

Leaders don't step on toes of dwarfs. They mount shoulders of giants.

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

Your life is going to be influenced by friends you mingle with.

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

You have to know who to keep near you and those you should be far away from.

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

You better go alone, than with negative people!

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

You can decide to refuse to allow people who aim at hating you to achieve their aims.

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

A self-leader looks around for problems, and then thinks deep to device solutions to them.

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

A leader's goal is to remain relevant even when time changes.

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

A dream without an action is like a fish without gills. It can't survive.

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor

Until you step in the game and influence the skills, you will never change the score line.

Quoted by Israelmore Ayivor